Why and how to support?

Our ability to help stray animals depends solely on support from people like you – people with good heart…

How to help us?

Animals really depend on our help. Without public support, organization like ours could not function. Help us too! Even if you don't feel materially rich, we're sure you can choose one of the options how to contribute to animal's rescue:
- materially / do a service for free
- financially
- provide a useful contact

Become an activist - a person, who in their free time works as a volunteer and helps in various areas of organization's activity, which means for example dog walking, helping with events, looking for sponsors, checking on adopted animals, fostering puppies or sick / recovering animals (within Piestany area), lecturing at schools...

If you find things at home or at work which you no longer need, give them to us. We mainly need dog / cat food, collars and leashes, disinfectants and germicides, animal medication, brooms, shovels, buckets, rags, gloves, working clothes, building material, office supplies - pens, envelopes, markers, printing paper... Your gift will be accepted with the utmost gratitude!

Financial donation will be used for our shelter's operation. You can transfer the funds to our official bank account in Tatra bank - IBAN: SK5011000000002926886043, BIC: TATRSKBXXXX or Postova bank – IBAN: SK5865000000000020046882, BIC: POBN SKBA or also via PayPal at utulok@utulok-piestany.sk.

Financial gift can also be brought by you in person or you can decide to fund a particular need / activity (building a new kennel, treatment of a particular dog or cat...). You can also give us 2% of your income tax (a valid form is downloadable on our website during the period of income tax statement's submission).

If you own a business or are a specialist in one of the below areas, be so kind and provide your services for free, it will all be for the benefit of shelter animals.
We need help with:
- building / finalizing the shelter
- cabinetmaking
- welding
- gardening
- grafic design and print of info materials
- car repair

We're looking forward to our cooperation and saving the animals together!:)

Should you be interested, please contact us at +421 904 170 913 or utulok@utulok-piestany.sk.